Blue cream hardener included.
Warning:Danger: Flammable liquid and vapors. Causes skin irritation. Causes severe eye irritation. May irritate the respiratory tract. Suspected of causing cancer. Suspected of harming the fetus. Causes organ damage with prolonged or repeated exposure. Attention! In case of vaporization, dangerous respirable droplets may form. Do not inhale vapors or mists. Attention! Dangerous respirable dust may form during use. Do not inhale dust. Keep away from heat, hot surfaces, sparks, open flames or other ignition sources. No smoking. Do not breathe dust/fumes/gas/mist/vapors/aerosols. Wear gloves/protective clothing/Protect eyes/face. In case of fire: use dry chemical, CO2, water mist or alcohol-resistant foam to extinguish. Collect the spilled material. 37.1345% of the mixture consists of components whose acute oral toxicity is unknown. 12.3584% of the mixture consists of components whose acute inhalation toxicity (vapors) is unknown. 37.1345% of the mixture consists of components whose acute inhalation toxicity (dust/mist) is unknown. Aquatic environmental toxicity: Contains 12.3584% components with unknown hazards to the aquatic environment. This product requires child safety closures if supplied to private individuals. This product requires tactile warning signs if supplied to private individuals. Contains Styrene, Titanium dioxide.